Denali National Park visitor reads the Denali Summer Times. |
Cover All The Bases At Denali Park
With 150,000 total copies distributed every summer, these two publications reach a majority of all travelers to Denali National Park. The Park is confusing for first-timers. There are multiple buses that travel to various destinations within the Park. There are rules and regulations about where you can hike and where you can't. There are many "visitor centers,"
schedules, and opportunities that require interpretation.
The Denali Summer Times offers a fast question-and-answer format to problems travelers are faced with, including what to take on the Park buses, and where the bathrooms are. It also tells people about park wildlife, mountain viewing -- and where to eat, sleep, and have one of the Parks' great adventures in the areas surrounding it.
The Parks Highway Bearfoot is more linear. It is keyed to what are known as "independent" travelers -- people who drive north from Anchorage or south from Fairbanks, and explore all the amazing communities along the way -- including Denali Park. More booklike, the Parks Highway Bearfoot comes from a 27-year tradition of Bearfoot guides.
Both of these publications offer a look at Denali Park that is relevant, accurate, and well-known to Alaskan travelers, Outside visitors, Park personnel and people who live and work in the Denali Corridor.