We all know that the current cruise ships that come here are cutting
back on their trips to Alaska.
But here's something new. Disney is going against the current,
and sending a brand new ship north.
We read a short piece in the Anchorage Daily News recently about Disney
sending cruises to Alaska. So we called Jason Lasecki, Disney's
Public Relations Director for the cruise line and asked him what was up.
"We poll our guests after every cruise that they sail with us.
We ask them what destinations they'd like to explore in the future," he said.
"Alaska is always at the top of the list, if not the #1 choice."
Bearfoot Interview With Disney
"Our guests are really going to enjoy it. It's going to be a phenomenal season.
It's eighteen 7-night cruises that we're going to do, out of Vancouver, to Alaska.
We've committed to the 2011 season. We'll kind of see how that goes and take
it from there."
"We Listen To Our Guests"
"The major driving contributing factor is that we listen to our guests. We're very
responsive to what our guests want us to do.
"We have two new ships under construction, the Disney Dream and the Disney
Fantasy. With our cruise experience it doesn't matter if you're 6, 16 or 60, you
usually have some connection to the Disney brand "
Marketing Toward Families
One interesting aspect of their plan was that it is more family-oriented
than geared to retired couples
"We really do strive to make a customized vacation experience for every single
member of the family. The kids are going to have the greatest time of their lives. We're
going to take care of the kids. That gives the parents time to have couple time. The perfect
date night. Being Disney we have plenty of time for people to come together as a family.
That's what sets us apart. That whole dynamic.
Disney By Land -- Already Happening
You may not be aware that Disney has already started coming to Alaska. It has a week-long
"Alaska Family Vacation." (This is not in conjunction with their cruises.)
Low-Key Itinerary
What does Disney think a typical family would want to see? The itinerary
is surprisingly low-key, and looks to be rich with opportunities for small, local
Alaskan businesses.
Disney's Trip Starts In Fairbanks
The current Disney itinerary starts with families flying into Fairbanks, where they visit
the Pipeline and a dog mushing kennel. Then they head south on the Parks Highway, to
Denali National Park, where they go to the Denali Education Center and learn about
the wilderness. On the third day, they go on a Cantwell jet boat trip. And they take
a hike with the staff at Denali Park's Murie Science Center.
On the 4th day, they head to Anchorage in time for lunch, and then on to dinner and
accommodations in Girdwood, where they see Turnagain Arm along the way. In Girdwood
after supper, there's a "Junior Adventurer Activity Night" where the kids play physical games
after all that bus riding. The 5th day, they spend in Seward, on a box lunch glacier cruise, and
then they visit the SeaLife Center, where they have a pizza party.
On the 6th day, they visit the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, just south of Anchorage, go
to a salmon bake, and spend the rest of the day in Girdwood. Still operating out of Girdwood
on Day 7, they take the Alaska Railroad Spencer Glacier rafting trip, and have a picnic
by the Placer River. They leave Alaska on the 8th day.